by hedgecoe | Jan 31, 2020 | Blog
In a culture so often dominated not just by winning, but also those other prized skills of ‘owning’, trolling and tooting your own horn, it’s refreshing to find a radically different mindset. I was recently lucky enough to visit Donostia, where eight locals were...
by hedgecoe | Jan 3, 2020 | Blog
Facha: a Spanish person whose political views place them on the hard-right of the political spectrum. Chaleco: a garment, usually without sleeves, which is buttoned up and covers the torso, being worn over a shirt. Few words contain as much sartorial and political...
by hedgecoe | Nov 22, 2019 | Blog
When commenting on his massive CIA novel, ‘Harlot’s Ghost’, Norman Mailer once remarked: “It is a fictional CIA and its only real existence is in my mind…If I have an argument to make then, on grounds of verisimilitude I will claim that my imaginative CIA is as real...
by hedgecoe | Nov 18, 2019 | Blog
I have known Mateo since he was born. Now a bass-playing, Beatles-loving, comic-reading, basketball-playing 16-year-old, you could not meet a more charming teen. Recently, he underwent a six-hour operation to help improve his balance and mobility, which have been...
by hedgecoe | Oct 1, 2019 | Blog
Like moths to the light, we journalists tend to get drawn towards the dramatic. In the case of politics that can mean dwelling on the extremes: the colourful, the freaky, the radicals. But there are also, of course, characters and opinions that are less eye-catching...